Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Happiness Project

Since finishing school and entering the world of "non-student" I've definitely been struggling with grasping  the idea of what I like to do on a normal day to day basis.  Sounds simple enough, but man oh man, I have no idea what I am at.

All of my life, thus far, has centred around studying, achieving grades, etc. (seriously, since the age of 4-24 it's all I have done). Now I have time for hobbies and real people things. Hobbies...hmm sounds great, but I am now struggling with hobby impulse overload. I have so many potential hobbies in my head that I don't even know where to start. I would like to learn to knit, sew, I want to start reading books, get better at my guitar, start to exercise regularly, try new recipes, decorate my apartment, I could go on. Keeping in mind I sill have a 9-5 job. This all combined with this sudden realization that life is short and holy lord I need to try and make the MOST of my 20s...and well Im almost half way through those. So basically where do one start? I have been touching all of these hobbies here and there, and I haven't been able to stick to one and its making me anxious! Im pretty sure thats the complete opposite reason we have hobbies. Any way. this little blurb has led to me to look to direction.

Currently Im reading "The Happiness Project' by Gretchen Ruben. She puts things in to some great perspective. Ideas like making goals (non school related goals? what are those?), being less serious and enjoying the moment, and just being yourself, things that I am trying to incorporate daily. She has also has small tips throughout the book that can be easily incorporated into your life to make it more pleasing (changing your hotmail/work/passwords to everything, to uplifting words, goals, or things that cause you to recall a memory that makes you smile). The idea of being "mindful" is something I have really taken a interest in to. I can not tell you how many times a day I do something with no thought. I ask you the time and don't listen to the answer, someone asks me a question and two minutes later I forget it, and where in the world did I put my phone?  So where do I start first?

I need to organize and be more mindful. Do little things that make me happy (cleaning my house...I don't like cleaning my house but man I am rotted when it is messy). I need to think and listen. Take each day as one and not expect all these things to fall in place all at once. After years of being a student I think I am just extremely ready to be a adult I just want it all to happen now. Patience. Apparently it takes something like 21 days to form a habit? I need to let things happen and let my habits form naturally. Pick up a hobby when I feel comfortable and at ease enough to do it, not RIGHT now because I CAN even though Im not in the mood. Anyway. This is more of a post for me I guess. To go back on and read during days that I am back in my floundering mood of what the heck am I doing? Chill out...organize... and do what comes natural. And if all fails, plug in the ipod, cause music boots mood like you wouldn't believe.

 Just added this little image. Cause all these things make me happy. Except for the kitty snuggles, they make my itchy and covered in hives :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

So Far From Home Where The Ocean Stood

Well hello hello. Finally getting settled here in Central Newfoundland. Had a bit of time to relax and a great quick trip to St.John's to remind me what its like to be social haha. Ive been a bit of a hermit in Grand Falls to say the least BUT this has provided me time to start some crafts, read a little and finally update my i pod.

One of my new delightful musical finds is Ben Howard. He's a 23 year old singer songwriter from England and my best way to describe him is a cross between David Gray and Jason Mraz (neither of which I listen a lot of music by oddly enough) and he has a bit of Andy Mckee type guitar thrown into some of his songs. Anyho....I like him....a lot....he is my current go to feel good music.

As a side note, I was driving home from the gym the other day and I suddenly had this overwhelming feeling of distraught because I realized that this is the first time in my life I have ever lived in a location where I can not readily see the ocean. I don't know why this bothered me, my houses were never directly on the ocean, it's not like I frolic in it daily. But for some reason knowing it isn't readily at my finger tips gave me a odd feeling (well....I am living on a I guess It isn't that far...but still). Central Newfoundland you are giving me a weird for of claustrophobia.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Taking some time..

So not really started on any posts yet. I moved and started a new job. So I'm living in this town where I know no one...which at the something I am wondering was an intelligent idea.  First day of the new job was today...seems to be a good spot with nice people....but my anxiety isn't settling quite yet...I'm not so great at being out of my comfort zone...well actually I suck....I just cant relax...I hate the constant nagging feeling of anxiety. Any ho enough of my little rant. I'm hoping to start doing regular posts eventually. Maybe even some outfit posts...but I'm kinda waiting for this funk to pass first..sigh... In the mean time...todays thought


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Well I guess I should introduce myself..

Well it looks like I have a blog...after much procrastination, also known as life, I have finally given in. I have loved reading blogs for quite sometime, but never had the nerve or time to have one of my own...that and I'm somewhat of a perfectionist and could never decide a background, font, etc. but alas I have finally decided to give this a try to see where it takes me.

So who am I exactly? I am a recent university graduate with a BSc in Pharmacy, and am currently about to start my career as a pharmacist (not nerve wrecking at all). Im about to move to a community where I know no one so this little piece of internet will hopefully be a good way to document this interesting (hopefully) change in my life

As for what this blog is about...right now I don't know but Im thinking it will evolve into something with time. Most likely it will feature some of my interests:

  • I love fashion. It is fashion that made me addicted to blogs in the first place....honestly it opened my eyes to my personal style...and its such a great tool to keep you creative in how you dress.
  • I love music. Give me a set of huge headphones and a ipod update and I am one happy lady. I love discovering artists, especially local, and I am finally starting a record collection that was greatly post-poned by having a poor school/fun balance in my life. Also...I may have been a summer band camper as a teen.
  • I love old things. Thats the best way I can sum it up. I like to thrift and find clothing treasures, I like vintage fabrics (Im also starting to collect vintage sheets and pillow cases...I do not know why....its a compulsion that just happens when I see them), old/ vintage music artists...artists inspired by those artists, vintage furniture, vintage photography...I could go on...
  • I love crafts! Why buy something for a bunch of loot when you can make it yourself!
  • I love to cook. I hate to clean....sometimes this leads to an obvious predicament...
  • I love to decorate (even though I have had no time to do it as of yet)
  • Annnnd I love to spend time with my friends :) 
  • Oh! And I love the city of St.John's. I will live in a jelly bean house  one day (but not a sketchy one ha!) 
Thats just a few things off the top of my head, as a side note...if you are a grammar police you may want to stop right here (you probably already have haha) one thing I will whole heartedly admit to is my poor grammar/spelling skills (I was a science kid, leave me alone) I'll try my best but sorry in's gonna happen. Any ho ...welcome!....lets see if I neglect this thing from hereon in :P