Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Happiness Project

Since finishing school and entering the world of "non-student" I've definitely been struggling with grasping  the idea of what I like to do on a normal day to day basis.  Sounds simple enough, but man oh man, I have no idea what I am at.

All of my life, thus far, has centred around studying, achieving grades, etc. (seriously, since the age of 4-24 it's all I have done). Now I have time for hobbies and real people things. Hobbies...hmm sounds great, but I am now struggling with hobby impulse overload. I have so many potential hobbies in my head that I don't even know where to start. I would like to learn to knit, sew, I want to start reading books, get better at my guitar, start to exercise regularly, try new recipes, decorate my apartment, I could go on. Keeping in mind I sill have a 9-5 job. This all combined with this sudden realization that life is short and holy lord I need to try and make the MOST of my 20s...and well Im almost half way through those. So basically where do one start? I have been touching all of these hobbies here and there, and I haven't been able to stick to one and its making me anxious! Im pretty sure thats the complete opposite reason we have hobbies. Any way. this little blurb has led to me to look to direction.

Currently Im reading "The Happiness Project' by Gretchen Ruben. She puts things in to some great perspective. Ideas like making goals (non school related goals? what are those?), being less serious and enjoying the moment, and just being yourself, things that I am trying to incorporate daily. She has also has small tips throughout the book that can be easily incorporated into your life to make it more pleasing (changing your hotmail/work/passwords to everything, to uplifting words, goals, or things that cause you to recall a memory that makes you smile). The idea of being "mindful" is something I have really taken a interest in to. I can not tell you how many times a day I do something with no thought. I ask you the time and don't listen to the answer, someone asks me a question and two minutes later I forget it, and where in the world did I put my phone?  So where do I start first?

I need to organize and be more mindful. Do little things that make me happy (cleaning my house...I don't like cleaning my house but man I am rotted when it is messy). I need to think and listen. Take each day as one and not expect all these things to fall in place all at once. After years of being a student I think I am just extremely ready to be a adult I just want it all to happen now. Patience. Apparently it takes something like 21 days to form a habit? I need to let things happen and let my habits form naturally. Pick up a hobby when I feel comfortable and at ease enough to do it, not RIGHT now because I CAN even though Im not in the mood. Anyway. This is more of a post for me I guess. To go back on and read during days that I am back in my floundering mood of what the heck am I doing? Chill out...organize... and do what comes natural. And if all fails, plug in the ipod, cause music boots mood like you wouldn't believe.

 Just added this little image. Cause all these things make me happy. Except for the kitty snuggles, they make my itchy and covered in hives :)

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